Advice Fairy – Edition 1



Dear Readers,

The Advice Fairies have received some meaningful messages as well as some pranks. We thank those of you who have not done such things and really just want some advice, which is why the Advice Fairy was created. The way the Advice Fairy works is that you drop a note in one of the Advice Fairy boxes located in the library, student store table and office. The letters should be anonymous and present a question or a situation. Also, please remember: If you are having a hard time with anything, Ms. Rivers is always available with an open door and heart!


Dear Advice Fairy, how do I stay healthy and get good grades?


There are many healthy choices in food and exercise that don’t take up much time.  For example, the gym across the street from PCS has a discount for all PCS students to workout and take fitness classes. Also, don’t push yourself too hard. Still try to get good grades, but don’t make yourself obsessed with it. If you need help at school, Ms.  Rivers is always open to visitors, and there are also plenty of teachers at PCS that can help you anytime.

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, What should people do about catcalling?


First off, catcalling is sexual harassment. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable,  go to a place of safety and tell a trusted adult. If it is happening at school, please tell a teacher so it can be dealt with as the serious issue it is: No one should be allowed to force unwelcome attention on you. People who observe or witness catcalling should step in and stand up for everyone’s basic right to not be sexually harassed. Last year, there was an issue with female students receiving catcalls from people working at the construction site in front of the school. Ms. Cervine, Mr. Fletcher, and Mr. Harrison interceded and put a stop to it. Please tell a trusted adult if you are being harassed!

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, I feel like my teachers don’t like me . How can I connect with them?


No matter how you are doing in your classes, my best advice is to reach out to your teachers.   If you are struggling, they probably want you to communicate with them more. Remember: Your teachers are there for you–of course, they like you and they want to help you but they may not know how you’re feeling. Talk to them.

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, How do I balance school, friends, and sleep? –Bed-Deprived Buddy


First priority is sleep. If you don’t have enough sleep, your brain and the rest of your body won’t function properly. Second priority is school work. PCS is a tough school when it comes to homework, especially in the upper grades. If you and you friends are working on a project, meet up together at New Leaf or your house and BOOM! Two birds with one stone!

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, How do I start drinking coffee? The bitter taste disgusts me, but I keep falling asleep in class! I want to be cool and edgy! Black coffee is my goal! – Discouraged Coffee Ingenue


Personally, I don’t drink coffee for the exact same reason. I did  a little research and the information given is high school students NEED 9 ½ hours of sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? If you must drink coffee, try mixing coffee and hot chocolate. Welcome to Coffee Drinker’s Heaven!

Advice Fairy


What is your name? What is your quest? What is the capital of Syria?


My name is the Advice Fairy. My quest is to give people advice they need and help them as much as I can. Damascus.

Advice Fairy


What came first: anxiety or the PCS student?

I’ll go with the PCS student because no one experiences more anxiety than a PCS student!

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy,  I am a PCS student struggling to balance a heavy workload with my social life. How can I keep up my appearances while keeping up my grades as well?


When I have a heavy homework load, I make myself a to-do list. That way you can stay on task, and have a lot of time afterwards for your social life. Also, tutorial is an amazing time to get homework done so you can have time at home to do whatever you want.

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, how do you make a good quality meme?


I do not have much experience in making memes, but there are some good websites I’ve heard of that can make them.

Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy, how do I stop my Chipotle addiction?


Assuming you mean the restaurant, many people get addicted to Chipotle. If this is a serious issue, there are plenty of healthy restaurant alternatives in Santa Cruz. Maybe you could try a local restaurant so you can make good choices, and support our community.



The Advice Fairy now has a website! Visit to submit a question!

Thank you,

Advice Fairy