Advice Fairy – Edition 2


Advice Fairies

Please Don´t Mess with our Boxes!

Dear Advice Fairy,

I´m really sad. I can not stop eating sugar. I´m fat. My parents say I’m skinny, but I know they´re lying. Help!

Stuck on Sugar

Dear Stuck on Sugar,

You are not alone. A lot of people are going through the same thing. You are not fat. Your parents would not lie to you. People come in all shapes and sizes, so be proud of who you are. Talk to your parents and you can work out a solution, together. Cutting back on sugar is a good idea, but it doesn’t mean that you are fat. If that doesn’t work, talk to Ms. Rivers. Sometimes, when I feel bad, I say positive things to myself in my head.


-Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy,

How do I ask out my crush?

How will I pass all my classes?


First, make sure he or she knows you. Also, see if they have talked to you or have flirted with you. Or they could have:

  1. Asked to be your partner
  2. Smiles and says, ¨hi” to you, or
  3. Talks to you openly or often

These could be clues that he/she may like you. You can ask out anybody, but if you ask out a person who doesn’t do any of the above, you are more likely to be shot down and/or embarrassed (it may be a good idea to invite them to the boardwalk or one of the dances). If you do not have the courage, ask your friends to help you. (They probably know you best.) If your crush says, “yes,” good job! However, if they say, “no,” act like it is no big deal. To pass your classes, STUDY. Of course you’re thinking, “no duh,” but it is important. Finish your homework, talk to your teachers about problems you have, use tutorial, and give yourself 3 hours (or more) every day to study and work on homework. Also, make sure to give yourself time to sleep. Don’t use your phone as often as you’d like if you have one.

-Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy,

Should I trade KD for a Vince Carter in fantasy basketball?

Relationship Advice?


I’m sorry, I don’t know how to help you with your first question. However, relationship advice. I don’t know exactly what you mean, and I could write a HUGE letter just about something broad like that. Tell the person serious things (like asking them out) in person. I’m pretty sure they would like it better. Also, hold their hand, give them compliments, talk to them and smile. FLIRT! Also, if you are in a relationship with someone, they most likely like you for who you are, so be yourself. Be yourself even if you are not in a relationship.

-Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy,

How do I improve my texting etiquette?

How do I talk to boys?


To improve your texting etiquette, DO NOT USE SLANG! Also, use punctuation, complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar, and capitalization. Talk to boys the way you would talk to friends. Be yourself. You do not want to string them along as a different person. Also, many boys approach life with humor and not as seriously as girls. If you talk to them with jokes in your pocket and a smile on your face, you  will be fine. (Unless you are very serious, and don’t smile at all.)

-Advice Fairy


Dear Advice Fairy,

I just got my period and I don’t know how/ want to tell my mom. Advice?


Every girl gets a period. Either now, or in a few years.

It isn’t good to keep it a secret. Your mom is expecting you to get your period because EVERY GIRL HAS IT! If you keep it a secret, you would have to get your own pads and tampons without your mom’s help. Just tell your mom and she will understand because she had it herself and knows how you feel.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy, how do I get enough sleep?

If you are worried about your lack of sleep, you should set a certain time to get to bed by. That way, you can’t talk yourself out of a good night’s sleep. I know it is very hard at times, but you have to get a good night’s sleep, especially in middle and high school. Another alternative is drinking tea. Herbal tea really helps me get to sleep when I can’t, but make sure it is herbal because caffeinated tea will make you stay up late, not go to sleep.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy,

How do I get a girl to notice me?

Anonymous 12th grader


Well, you CAN lay in front of her in the hall… But is it the right thing to do? There is so much you can do! However, it is not the right thing to do. Don’t change yourself to get her attention. It is better for her to like you for who you are. If she isn’t noticing you, you can say hi to her. Joke around and talk. Talking is the best thing to do to get a girl to notice you. (Also, talking to her would help with her caring about you and possibly liking you) Ask her if she would sit with you with you during lunch. If you are shy, just say hi a couple of times. If you make a joke and she laughs and you and her are making jokes, it gets easier to talk to her.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy,

I’m super frustrated!! The people I carpool with keep making me late every day! Today I was late for the fourth day in a row! I’m always ready to go way before they get to my house, but I’m always late! It is making me mad, and increasing my fear of getting detention. Please help me!!

-Not My Fault


Dear Not My Fault,

If you are afraid of detention, you should tell the people you carpool with how you feel. It may be scary, but it will help you in the long run, because detentions are no fun. It is easiest to just say how you feel, and politely ask them to try to get to your house a little bit quicker. If it becomes a serious problem that is affecting you academically, you should tell your parents to talk to the people. If nothing works, maybe they aren’t the right fit for your carpool. If this is the case, you could try to find a different carpool group in your area.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy,

How do I seem cool to my friends?

-Anonymous 12th Grader

Dear Anonymous 12th Grader,

You should just be you! Although it sounds cheesy, it is totally true. If your friends are good friends, they will like you for who you are. Don’t try to change for your friends. If they are pressuring you to be someone you are not, maybe they aren’t good friends for you.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy,

Why? What? How? Where? When? How can we even? How dare you? Why would you ever do that?

To help PCS students. The Advice Fairy. Flying in after school and solving your problems. Pacific Collegiate School. You can put your letters in our boxes. How dare I what? I just want to help the PCS community.

-Advice Fairy 


Dear Advice Fairy,

I’m concerned that a majority of the student body isn’t being respectful to the minority groups. Anything we can do about that?

A concerned queer teen

Dear a concerned queer teen,

Yes. It is true that students aren’t respectful to minority groups. However, the majority of the population of this world is the same way. We can’t change the world very easily (it would take over a lifetime), but we can change our school in one year if we try.


Dear Advice Fairy,

Please help me! My mom has been making me do piano from a young age, but I don’t want to do piano. I am afraid that if I tell her that I don’t want to do piano, she will get mad at me or not like me.

Chances are, your mom just wants you to be happy, and succeed in life. If you tell her how you feel, you two could work out an agreement. Maybe piano isn’t the right fit for you. You can suggest playing an instrument you are more interested in pursuing. Or maybe, you don’t want to play an instrument at all. Your mom probably didn’t even know that you didn’t want to play piano. Communication is the key!

-Advice Fairy 


Just ask the advice fairy…